Bryson Cloon

Principal attorney Bryson Cloon of the Cloon Law Firm has been helping injured persons and their families with personal injury claims since 1975. Over the past thirty years, he has established an enviable record among legal colleagues in the Kansas City area. As an aggressive litigator, Bryson is a member of the Kansas Association for Justice (formerly the Kansas Trial Lawyers Association) and the American Association for Justice (formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America), and is on the Board of Governors of both organizations. Additionally, Bryson has been recognized by Best Lawyers in America and has been designated as a Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyer since 2005.
Bryson answers all phone calls personally– they are not screened. He returns phone calls promptly and is always prepared to discuss a client’s case and its present status because he is proactive–he doesn’t wait for the client to call and ask what is being done and then grab the file.
Cloon Law Firm has a system in which we start the case and methodically and actively take action at specified dates during the handling of the case–the case does not languish for months with no activity because of “fires to be put out”. We don’t have any fires because cases are handled on a proactive basis and there is no “last minute” deadline to meet because we are always ahead of the process. One of the things our clients (and their families) appreciate is that we handle “the whole case”. Not just the legal “stuff”, but all aspects of helping the family. This frequently includes taking over all the bills they are receiving and dealing with each vendor or health care provider so the client does not have to be hassled.
We help them get to the right people and even provide transportation and companionship of one of our paralegals if a client (especially senior clients) needs it. The Cloon Law Firm offers comprehensive assistance with all aspects of the case and seeks to minimize the unfortunate impact it has made on the family unit.
There is nothing that we will not do (as long as it is ethical and lawful) to help the client and respond to their needs.
Contact the personal injury attorney at Cloon Law Firm for an attorney who is experienced and dedicated to fighting your case.